Sylvia's story

Michael's story
Sylvia's story
A moment of clarity and fierce determination helped Sylvia get herself and baby Chase into our Parent’s and Children’s Program, where she overcame methamphetamine addiction and found hope for the future.
Sylvia and baby Chase travelled interstate to attend our Parent’s and Children’s Program and flourished within our residential therapeutic community. Mum and Dad were hardworking, and put me into early childhood care where I was sexually abused. I couldn’t cope with what happened to me and started using cannabis when I was 16, and became addicted to crystal methamphetamine (ice) when I was 20. As soon as I had it, I was hooked. I just couldn’t stop.
I would work and smoke ice; it helped me function throughout the day, it gave me social skills and confidence. I trained as a beauty therapist, built up my own business and eventually became pregnant with Chase. I stayed clean for three months, but developed post–natal depression.
One evening when Chase was a few months old, I put him in the bath and went out of the room to use ice. When I came back, he was floating and inert in the bathwater. I called paramedics and saved Chase from drowning, but it was a wakeup call. I decided to change my life to become a better parent, but couldn’t face being away from Chase. I found Odyssey’s Parent’s and Children’s Program, and arrived at Eagle Vale a week before Christmas. I thought I didn’t deserve my son. I hated myself. My rehabilitation plan was challenging but the strict schedule, counselling, group sessions and living arrangements all gave me new parenting and life skills.
I was inspired by the paramedic who helped me so I’m going to university to become a paramedic, and save up for my own house. I’m grateful to be making new memories and have a second chance in life.
Michael's story
"I was at my worst, I had hit rock bottom, wondering how I got here. I couldn’t do it alone; I was going to need a helping hand to pull us through. To pull me out, to pull us out. So that day was one of my darkest – and believe me, I have had plenty of dark times – but it was also a day that I cherish, that I promise myself that I will never forget. Because that day was also the start of my recovery. It was the day I made one of the best and luckiest decisions of my life. I took out my last coins and phoned Odyssey.